John’s SurgeryPlus Story: “Incredible” Care From Start to Finish

Image of SurgeryPlus members John P.

When dealing with healthcare expenses, surprises are rarely a good thing. But as school administrator John P. was planning how to pay for an upcoming surgery, he received a welcome surprise in the mail: a flyer about SurgeryPlus sharing that he could get the surgery he needed at no cost to him. “I had no […]

Key Takeaways: Rethinking the COE Search for Self-Funded Employers

Employers consider Centers of Excellence (COEs) their best option for controlling healthcare costs. As many of the 92% of employers with a COE know, however, simply having something in place doesn’t necessarily drive the cost and quality improvements employers need. We talked with Brittany McIntosh, Director, Employee Benefits, at NextEra Energy; Suzanne Dezember Usaj, Sr. […]

Donna’s Cancer Care Direct Story: Faster Time to Liver Cancer Treatment

Cancer Care Direct member Donna V. began experiencing a sharp pain on her right side over the fall of 2023. The pain would surface out of nowhere, then disappear just as quickly. Thinking it was likely indigestion, Donna never gave it too much thought. “Then one day I woke up and it hurt so badly […]

Jade’s SurgeryPlus Story: Support Every Step of the Way

SurgeryPlus member Jade D.

When Jade D. learned she needed a surgical procedure to have a cyst removed, the financial cost worried her most. “2023 was a punch to the gut for me, health-wise,” Jade said. “It was a tough year, and just a lot of worry and uncertainty.” After explaining the situation to her boss, Jade learned about […]